Field Studies

Field studies allow us to better understand current environmental, health, social and economic conditions.

HFR and You

Indigenous Engagement & Consultation

Input from Indigenous Peoples is essential to the success of HFR. The HFR Team is committed to creating and sustaining constructive dialogue and nation-to-nation relationships with Indigenous Peoples.

Public Engagement

We wish to build and sustain effective relationships based on mutual respect and trust with communities.
Our engagement activities are just getting started.

Key Milestones

Read on to learn about key milestones and accomplishments for the HFR Project.

June 2024 - WE ARE HERE

In June 2024, VIA HFR is planning to host collaborative planning workshops for the 2024 field study program with Ontario Indigenous Nations. These workshops will likely take place in Peterborough, Ontario.

April 2024

The 2024 field study program began in April. These field studies focus on air quality, amphibians, birds, bats, fish and mussels, insects, noise and vibration, reptiles, wildlife tracking and water and will be ongoing until December. Continuing with our studies this year will enable us to provide points of reference that will help decision-makers understand how the project could change these conditions, and to prescribe protection if needed. Throughout the 2024 field study program, Indigenous Peoples will be engaged in meaningful dialogue, where appropriate. For VIA HFR, the knowledge and guidance of Indigenous Nations will be critical to informing project plans and development.

Latest News

RFP Bidding Teams Announced

Three bidding teams qualified to respond to the Request for Proposals.

Project Delivery

Explore the multi-phased process that will lead to the delivery of HFR for Canadians; from selection of a private partner to co-development and delivery.

High Frequency Rail

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© VIA HFR - VIA TGF Inc. 2023

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