Legal Advice to VIA HFR – VIA TGF Inc. for the Co-Development Phase of the HFR Project

Publication Date: June 10, 2024
Closing Date: July 5, 2024, 11:59 PM
Status: Closed

VIA HFR is seeking proposals from Canadian law firms (each a “Proponent”) for legal support to assist VIA HFR on legal matters related to the Co-Development Phase of the HFR Project as described in the Request for Proposals (RFP) documentation.

Because of the novelty and scale of this project, VIA HFR may determine that no single firm has sufficient expertise, experience and/or bench strength.  In that case, VIA HFR may select several Proponents to work collaboratively together. 

Proponents need not reply comprehensively in all skills and jurisdictions that will be required for the Co-Development Phase. In fact, Proponents are encouraged to reply only with respect to their areas of greatest experience and strength. 

Proponents may, if they wish, share this RFP with other unconflicted law firms and reply to this RFP as a collaborative consortium. Proponents are not expected or required to do this and should only consider doing this if it would materially enhance the level of relevant experience brought to bear.  For example, a Proponent that has limited directly relevant rail infrastructure experience may consider teaming up with a partner of a global firm who has extensive world experience in similar projects.

For additional details, refer to Legal Advice to VIA HFR – VIA TGF Inc. for the Co-Development Phase of the HFR Project - Tender Notice | CanadaBuys

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