
More connections to keep growing.

Connecting Canada’s most-populated region with faster, greener, more frequent and more reliable passenger rail will help attract talent and generate innovation. HFR will make it easier to travel to major cities, freeing travellers from airport and highway congestion. It will also better connect those in rural and small urban communities to jobs, talent, cultural institutions and education.


Faster trains


Better access to regional markets


More jobs

THe HFR project will:


Improve regional productivity by making it easier for workers and students to connect between cities in the most-populated region of Canada, which contributes 59% to our country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


Be a driving force for the country’s economic stimulus — creating jobs and business innovation during the design, construction and operation of one of the biggest transportation infrastructure projects in Canada’s history.


Create more sustainable transportation capacity for railways that transport people and for those that carry freight and goods.


Give Canadians more choice and more affordable options to travel to and from where they live, work, study and play.


Give businesses better access to more affordable locations and more efficient transportation.


Help attract and retain residents, tourists and businesses along the route, improving regional productivity.

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Project Delivery

Explore the multi-phased process that will lead to the delivery of HFR for Canadians, from selection of a private partner to co-develop and delivery.

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High Frequency Rail

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© VIA HFR - VIA TGF Inc. 2023

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