Noise and Vibration

The 2024 noise and vibration study will focus on documenting and understanding existing noise and vibration conditions at sensitive receptors (schools, elderly housing, etc.) near the project. This will help HFR planners understand some of the project’s potential impact on the surrounding environment during the construction and operation phases.

Sound monitoring installation.
Sound monitoring installation.

Where are noise and vibration studies taking place?

The 2024 noise and vibration studies will take place along sections of existing railway routes in Ontario, from Twin Elm up to Ottawa and down to Vars, and in Québec near Laval to the 740 highway in Québec City.

Noise and Vibration map

Why study noise and vibration?

Passenger rail operation and construction emits noise and vibration. Sound and vibration monitors will be used to measure existing conditions along possible routes. Measuring noise and vibration levels before railway construction will help decision-makers determine a baseline for assessing and reducing potential negative effects.

High Frequency Rail

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