
A water study focuses on any waterway above ground (surface water), including streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands and man-made reservoirs. Surface waterways are mainly fed by snowmelt and rainfall runoff and play a key role in the water cycle.

Studying water will help HFR planners protect waterways while building and operating the new railway.

River des Mille Îles at Rail Bridge Crossing 4.
River des Mille Îles at Rail Bridge Crossing 4.

Where are the water studies taking place?

The 2024 water studies will take place along sections of existing railway routes in Ontario, from Twin Elm up to Ottawa and down to Vars, and in Québec near Laval to the 740 highway in Québec City.

Why study water?

Exploring how water moves in lakes, rivers and streams is important for protecting ecosystems, wildlife and infrastructure. HFR planners will consider ecology, bridge and culvert design and surface water. All elements must be considered together to protect the movement of the channel, crossing structures, aquatic habitat and aquatic species.

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